Installing PhotoDraw with Office

How to Install PhotoDraw from the PhotoDraw CD-ROM

To deploy Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 throughout your organization, you must either purchase a copy of PhotoDraw for each user in your organization or (if you have multiple licenses) copy the contents of Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) and Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2) to a server and have users run Setup from there.

When you run PhotoDraw Setup from the PhotoDraw CD-ROM, you might be prompted to install or upgrade to Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01. If you are running Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0 without Service Pack 3 or later, you might be prompted to upgrade.

If you have a large number of users and multiple licenses, you can also copy the files from Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) and Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2) to a server. Users can then run Setup from the server; Setup functions the same as it does when run from the CD-ROM.

The advantage of sharing the CD-ROM on a server, instead of creating an administrative installation point, is that this method takes less server disk space because the shared files are not duplicated. However, this method is less flexible and provides less opportunity for customizing.

The server must have sufficient disk space for the entire contents of both CD-ROMs. The PhotoDraw program files on Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) require 300 megabytes (MB); the content files on Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2) require 430 MB.

To copy CD-ROM contents to a server

  1. Create two folders on a network server, one to hold the contents of Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) and the other to hold the contents of Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2).
  2. Copy the folders PhotoDrw, IE401, NT4SP4, and DirectX from Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) to the first folder.
  3. Copy the files Setup.exe, Netwrk.wri, Readme.wri, Autorun.exe, and Autorun.inf from the root directory of Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) to the first folder.
  4. Copy all files from Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2) to a second folder on the server.
  5. Specify network folder locations for Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2) by creating the following entry in a file called Pdsetup.ini:

    [CD Locations]

    CD2=<network share>\<path to Office Disc 4 folder>

  6. Copy Pdsetup.ini to the following location:

    <network share>\<path to Office Disc 2 folder>\Photodrw\Pdsetup.ini

    where <network share> is the network share that contains the copy of Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1), and <path to Office Disc 2 folder> is the full path of the folder that contains the copy of Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1).

Users can then connect to the server, open the folder, and run Setup as if they were installing directly from the PhotoDraw CD-ROM.


See also

You can use Acme Setup to create an administrative installation point for PhotoDraw. For information, see How to Create an Administrative Installation Point for PhotoDraw.

Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) also contains the Setup program for Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE). For more information, see Installing Office Server Extensions.


Friday, March 5, 1999
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