Office Custom Installation Wizard

Deploying a Custom Office Installation Throughout Your Organization

If you are deploying Microsoft Office throughout a large organization, it is probably the most efficient to first install Office on a network server and then to have users run Setup from your administrative installation point.

After you create an administrative installation point, you have many options for managing the deployment of Office. By using the Office Custom Installation Wizard, you can modify the administrative installation point to control how all the users in your organization install Office on their computers.

By using the Custom Installation Wizard, you can do the following:

After you fine-tune the options by using the wizard, your modifications become the default settings for anyone who runs Setup from your administrative installation point. You can even have users run Setup in quiet mode (with no user interaction) so that your modifications define precisely how Office is installed — no questions asked.

Toolbox   The Office Custom Installation Wizard includes a Help file that contains extensive reference information. To get access to Help topics without running the wizard, double-click Custwiz.hlp. For information about installing the wizard, see Custom Installation Wizard.


Friday, March 5, 1999
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