Reviewing How to Create Help Topics

This appendix explains how to display custom Help topics with Microsoft Excel, not how to create and compile Help topics in general. If you need to review basic procedures for creating Help topics, you can examine the example Help files described in the following table. The example files are in the HELP subdirectory of the directory in which you installed the Microsoft Excel 97 Developer's Kit. If you need more detailed information about creating Help topics or obtaining the Help compiler, see "Getting More Information About the Microsoft Windows Help Compiler" on page 566.

File name



A compiled Help file that explains how to add jumps, graphics, and hypergraphics to your topics and how to use WinHelp macros to add and remove buttons. To display the Help file, see the instructions following this table.


A Microsoft Word for Windows document that contains the source text and control codes for the Help topics in EXAMPLE.HLP. Control codes determine how the user can move around the Help system.


The same file as EXAMPLE.DOC, but saved in rich text format (RTF).


The Help project file used to create EXAMPLE.HLP. The Help project file provides information that the Help compiler needs to build the final Help file.


A segmented hypergraphics bitmap file used in EXAMPLE.HLP.


Bitmap files used in several topics in EXAMPLE.HLP.

To display the example Help file in Microsoft Windows Help

In the Microsoft Windows Explorer, double-click the file name EXAMPLE.HLP.