Why Use the C Applications Programming Interface?

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a fast, powerful, and portable tool for enhancing Microsoft Excel. You can create user-defined functions, write code that controls Microsoft Excel, create new commands, and even create entire applications using Microsoft Excel as a platform. However, VBA is not always powerful enough. You may already have large libraries of code written in another language. You may need the speed and security of compiled high-level languages. Or perhaps you need to interface with external libraries or databases.

The C API can provide all these capabilities for you to use with a compiler for a high-level language. With the tools in this package you can:

If you know C and the Microsoft Excel macro language, you'll be able to write add-ins in C. In most cases, translating existing macro code into C is a straightforward task. You will not have to learn a large API in order to use C to develop add-ins. As a benefit, your add-ins will run faster, and they will be able to access functionality available only from C. For example, if you already have large libraries written in C (or any language that can be called from C), you will be able to use them with Microsoft Excel.