Documenting Your Database

Before you distribute your database to users, you may want to document the objects in your database; the underlying structure, or schema, of your application; and any Data Access Objects (DAO) objects, methods, and properties. This is sometimes called mapping the database. When you have a complete map of your database, it’s easier to modify the database and to write applications that manipulate the data.

If you just need information about application objects that appear in the user interface, you can use the Documenter (Tools menu, Analyze submenu) to produce a report on those objects. However, to obtain information about the DAO objects, properties, and methods that can’t be manipulated by way of the user interface, you must use Visual Basic.

See Also   For more information on the Documenter, search the Help index for “Documenter.”

Because DAO objects are organized in a hierarchy of nested containers, you can map the database by walking through the hierarchy with a series of nested For...Each loops. Each element in the collection can be accessed with a statement block with the following syntax:

For Each object In collection

statements ' Map the properties of the object.

Next object

See Also   For information on individual properties that are exposed when you map a database, search the Help index for the name of the property.

The following code maps the current database. For brevity, the Attributes property is fully mapped only for each TableDef object. If you want to map attributes of the other objects, simply use the code for the TableDef object attributes as a model and insert the appropriate statements. This example assumes that the user running this code has at least Read Design permission on all tables in the database.

Sub MapDatabase()
	Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef, fld As Field
	Dim idx As Index, rel As Relation
	Dim intX As Integer

	Set dbs = CurrentDb

	' Map the Database properties.
	Debug.Print "DATABASE"
	Debug.Print "Name: ", dbs.Name
	Debug.Print "Connect string: ", dbs.Connect
	Debug.Print "Transactions supported?: ", dbs.Transactions
	Debug.Print "Updatable?: ", dbs.Updatable
	Debug.Print "Sort order: ", dbs.CollatingOrder
	Debug.Print "Query time-out: ", dbs.QueryTimeout

	' Map the TableDef objects.
	Debug.Print "TABLEDEFS"
	For Each tdf in dbs.TableDefs
		Debug.Print "Name: ", tdf.Name
		Debug.Print "Name: ", tdf.DateCreated,
		Debug.Print "Name: ", tdf.LastUpdated,
		If tdf.Updatable = True Then
			Debug.Print "Updatable",
			Debug.Print "Not Updatable",
		End If

		' Show the TableDef Attributes.
		Debug.Print Hex$(tdf.Attributes)
		If (tdf.Attributes And dbSystemObject) <> 0 Then
			Debug.Print "System object"
		End If
		If (tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedTable) <> 0 Then
			Debug.Print "Linked table"
		End If
		If (tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC) <> 0 Then
			Debug.Print "Linked ODBC table"
		End If
		If (tdf.Attributes And dbAttachExclusive)<> 0 Then
			Debug.Print "Linked table opened in exclusive mode"
		End If

		' Map Fields for each TableDef object.
		Debug.Print "FIELDS"
		For Each fld in tdf.Fields
			Debug.Print "Name: ", fld.Name
			Debug.Print "Type: ", fld.Type
			Debug.Print "Size: ", fld.Size
			Debug.Print "Attribute Bits: ", Hex$(fld.Attributes)
			Debug.Print "Collating Order: ", fld.CollatingOrder
			Debug.Print "Ordinal Position: ", fld.OrdinalPosition
			Debug.Print "Source Field: ", fld.SourceField
			Debug.Print "Source Table: ", fld.SourceTable

			' Show the Field Attributes here.
			Debug.Print Hex$(fld.Attributes)
			If (fld.Attributes And dbSystemObject) <> 0 Then
				Debug.Print "System Object"
			End If
		Next fld			' Get the next Field in the TableDef object.

		' Map Indexes for each TableDef object.
		Debug.Print "INDEXES"
		For Each idx in tdf.Indexes
			' Set the Index variable.
			Set idx = tdf.Indexes(intX)
			Debug.Print "Name: ", idx.Name
			Debug.Print "Clustered: ", idx.Clustered
			Debug.Print "Foreign: ", idx.Foreign
			Debug.Print "IgnoreNulls: ", idx.IgnoreNulls
			Debug.Print "Primary: ", idx.Primary
			Debug.Print "Unique: ", idx.Unique
			Debug.Print "Required: ", idx.Required
			' Map the Fields of the Index.
			For Each fld in idx.Fields
				Debug.Print "Name: ", fld.Name
			Next fld		' Get the next Field in the Index.
		Next idx			' Get the next Index in the TableDef object.
	Next tdf				' Get next TableDef in the Database.

	' Map the Relation objects.
	Debug.Print "RELATIONS"
	For Each rel in dbs.Relations
		Debug.Print "Name: ", rel.Name
		Debug.Print "Attributes: ", rel.Attributes	
		Debug.Print "Table: ", rel.Table
		Debug.Print "ForeignTable: ", rel.ForeignTable
		' Map the Fields of the Relation objects.
		For Each fld in rel.Fields
			Debug.Print "Name: ", fld.Name
			Debug.Print "ForeignName: ", fld.ForeignName
		Next fld			' Get the next Field in the Relation object.
	Next rel				' Get next Relation object in the Database.
End Sub

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