Additional Information

For more information on programming in Microsoft Office applications, see the following sources:

  • The Help provided with Microsoft Office applications includes almost all of the information in this set of reference manuals as well as conceptual and procedural information to help you complete tasks.
  • The Microsoft Office 97/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide, available with Microsoft Office 97, Developer Edition, contains information about each of the object models available in Microsoft Office applications. It also includes information on programming basics, debugging and optimizing code, and designing custom interfaces.
  • Building Applications with Microsoft Access 97, available with Microsoft Office 97, Developer Edition and Microsoft Access 97, is a guide to designing and creating database applications with Microsoft Access. An online version of this book is also available (in HTML format) from the ValuPack on the Microsoft Office 97, Professional Edition and Microsoft Access 97 CD-ROMs. To view the book in your Web browser, double-click OpenBook.htm in the \ValuPack\Access folder on the CD-ROM. The online version of this book is also available on the following Web site: This online version may be slightly more up-to-date than the printed version or the online version found on the CD-ROMs.
  • The Microsoft Office Developer Forum Web site ( /officedev/) and the Microsoft Access Developer Forum Web site ( contain up-to-date information on Microsoft Office and cover issues of interest to developers of Microsoft Office applications.
  • The Microsoft Developer Network Online Web site ( /msdn/) contains useful information, programs, and examples developers can use to create Microsoft Office applications. This Web site also contains information on how to subscribe to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN).
The information included in the Microsoft Office 97/Visual Basic Language Reference manuals is the best available at the time of publication; in some cases, information in Help or on the Web sites may be more up-to-date.