AddFromFile Method (Module Object)

Applies To   Module object.


The AddFromFile method adds the contents of a text file to a Module object. The Module object may represent a standard module or a class module.


object.AddFromFile filename

The AddFromFile method has the following arguments.




A Module object.


The name and full path of a text (.txt) file or another file that stores text in an ANSI format.

Remarks   The AddFromFile method places the contents of the specified text file immediately after the Declarations section and before the first procedure in the module if it contains other procedures.

The AddFromFile method enables you to import code or comments stored in a text file.

In order to add the contents of a file to a form or report module, the form or report must be open in form Design view or report Design view. In order to add the contents of a file to a standard module or class module, the module must be open.

See Also   AddFromString method.


The following function uses the AddFromString and AddFromFile methods to add a string and the contents of a text file to a standard module:

Function AddTextToModule(strModuleName As String, strFileName As String, _
        strText As String) As Boolean
    Dim mdl As Module

    On Error GoTo Error_AddTextToModule
    DoCmd.OpenModule strModuleName
    Set mdl = Modules(strModuleName)
    mdl.AddFromFile strFileName
    mdl.AddFromString strText
    AddTextToModule = True

    Exit Function

    MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description
    AddTextToModule = False
    Resume Exit_AddTextToModule
End Function
You could call the preceding function from a procedure such as the following. Create a text file called Functions.txt, add some Visual Basic procedures, and save it in the My Documents directory. Then paste both the preceding procedure and the following procedure into a new standard module in the Northwind sample database. Run the following procedure:

Sub AddFunctionsFromText()
    Dim strModuleName As String, strFileName As String
    Dim strText As String

    strModuleName = "Utility Functions"
    strFileName = "C:\My Documents\Functions.txt"
    strText = "Public intX As Integer" & vbCrLf _
        & "Const conPathName As String = " _
        & """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\"""
    If AddTextToModule(strModuleName, strFileName, strText) = True Then
        Debug.Print "String and file contents added successfully."
        Debug.Print "String and file contents not added successfully."
    End If
End Sub
The next example creates a new form and adds a string and the contents of the Functions.txt file to its module. Run the following procedure from a standard module:

Sub AddTextToFormModule()
    Dim frm As Form, mdl As Module

    Set frm = CreateForm
    Set mdl = frm.Module
    mdl.AddFromString "Public intY As Integer"
    mdl.AddFromFile "C:\My Documents\Functions.txt"
End Sub