DDEPoke Statement


You can use the DDEPoke statement to supply text data from a client application to a server application over an open dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel.

For example, if you have an open DDE channel between Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel, you can use the DDEPoke statement to transfer text from a Microsoft Access database to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. In this example, Microsoft Access acts as the client application, and Microsoft Excel acts as the server application.


DDEPoke channum, item, data

The DDEPoke statement has the following arguments.




A channel number, an integer returned by the DDEInitiate function.


A string expression that's the name of a data item recognized by the application specified by the DDEInitiate function. Check the application's documentation for a list of possible items.


A string containing the data to be supplied to the other application.

Remarks   The value of the item argument depends on the application and topic specified when the channel indicated by the channum argument is opened. For example, the item argument may be a range of cells in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

The string contained in the data argument must be an alphanumeric text string. No other formats are supported. For example, the data argument could be a number to fill a cell in a specified range in an Excel worksheet.

If the channum argument isn't an integer corresponding to an open channel or if the other application doesn't recognize or accept the specified data, a run-time error occurs.

Tip If you need to manipulate another application's objects from Microsoft Access, you may want to consider using Automation.

See Also   DDE function, DDEExecute statement, DDEInitiate function, DDERequest function, DDESend function, DDETerminate statement, DDETerminateAll statement.


See the DDE function example.