Applies To Report.
You can use the GroupOn property in a report to specify how to group data in a field or expression by data type. For example, this property lets you group a Date field by month.
The GroupOn property settings available for a field depend on its data type, as the following table shows. For an expression, all of the settings are available. The default setting for all data types is Each Value.
Field data type | Setting | Groups records with | Visual Basic |
Text | (Default) Each Value | The same value in the field or expression. | 0 |
Prefix Characters | The same first n number of characters in the field or expression. | 1 | |
Date/Time | (Default) Each Value | The same value in the field or expression. | 0 |
Year | Dates in the same calendar year. | 2 | |
Qtr | Dates in the same calendar quarter. | 3 | |
Month | Dates in the same month. | 4 | |
Week | Dates in the same week. | 5 | |
Day | Dates on the same date. | 6 | |
Hour | Times in the same hour. | 7 | |
Minute | Times in the same minute. | 8 | |
AutoNumber, Currency, Number | (Default) Each Value | The same value in the field or expression. | 0 |
Interval | Values within an interval you specify. | 9 |
See Also CreateGroupLevel function, GroupHeader, GroupFooter properties, GroupInterval property, GroupLevel property, KeepTogether property — groups, SortOrder property.