Run Method

Applies To   Application object.


You can use the Run method to carry out a specified Microsoft Access or user-defined Function or Sub procedure. This method is useful when you are controlling Microsoft Access from another application through Automation, formerly called OLE Automation. For example, you can use the Run method from an ActiveX component to carry out a Sub procedure that is defined within a Microsoft Access database.


application.Run procedure[, arg1, arg2, ..., arg30]

The Run method has the following arguments.




The Application object.


The name of the Function or Sub procedure to be run. If you are calling a procedure in another database use the project name and the procedure name separated by a dot in the form:


If you execute Visual Basic code containing the Run method in a library database, Microsoft Access looks for the procedure first in the library database, then in the current database.

arg1, arg2, ...

Optional. The arguments for the specified Function or Sub procedure. You can supply a maximum of thirty arguments.

Remarks   You can set a reference to the Microsoft Access type library from any other ActiveX component and use the objects, methods, and properties defined in that library in your code. However, you can't set a reference to an individual Microsoft Access database from any application other than Microsoft Access. The Run method provides a way to call a procedure you have defined in a Microsoft Access database from another application.

For example, suppose you have defined a procedure named NewForm in a database with its ProjectName property set to "WizCode." The NewForm procedure takes a string argument. You can call NewForm in the following manner from Visual Basic:

Dim appAccess As New Access.Application
appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\My Documents\WizCode.mdb")
appAccess.Run "WizCode.NewForm", "Some String"
If another procedure with the same name may reside in a different database, qualify the procedure argument, as shown in the preceding example, with the name of the database in which the desired procedure resides.

You can also use the Run method to call a procedure in a referenced Microsoft Access database from another database.

Microsoft Access ignores any value returned by a procedure called by the Run method.

See Also   CreateObject function, GetObject function, Set statement.


The following example runs a user-defined Sub procedure in a module in a Microsoft Access database from another application that acts as an Active X component.

To try this example, create a new database called WizCode.mdb and set its ProjectName property to WizCode. Open a new module in that database and enter the following code. Save the module, and close the database.

Sub Greeting(strName As String)
    MsgBox("Hello, " & strName)
End Sub
Once you have completed this step, run the following code from Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Visual Basic. Make sure that you have added a reference to the Microsoft Access type library by clicking References on the Tools menu and selecting Microsoft Access 8.0 Object Library in the References dialog box.

' Include in Declarations section of module.
Dim appAccess As Access.Application

Sub RunAccessSub()
    ' Create instance of Access Application object.
    Set appAccess = _
    ' Open WizCode database in Microsoft Access window.
    appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:\My Documents\WizCode.mdb", False
    ' Run Sub procedure.
    appAccess.Run "Greeting", "Joe"
    Set appAccess = Nothing
End Sub

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