Applies To ActiveX control, Bound Object Frame control, Chart control, Check Box control, Combo Box control, Command Button control, Form, Image control, Label control, Line control, List Box control, Option Button control, Option Group control, Page, Page Break control, Rectangle control, Report, Subform/Subreport control, Tab control, Text Box control, Toggle Button control, Unbound Object Frame control.
You can use the Section property to identify a section of a form or report and provide access to the properties of that section. You can also identify controls by the section of a form or report where the control appears.
The Section property is an Integer data type value corresponding to a particular section. You can use Integer values or the constants listed below. It is recommended that you use the constants to make your code easier to read.
Setting | Constant | Description |
0 | acDetail | Form detail section or report detail section |
1 | acHeader | Form or report header section |
2 | acFooter | Form or report footer section |
3 | acPageHeader | Form or report page header section |
4 | acPageFooter | Form or report page footer section |
5 | acGroupLevel1Header | Group-level 1 header section (reports only) |
6 | acGroupLevel1Footer | Group-level 1 footer section (reports only) |
7 | acGroupLevel2Header | Group-level 2 header section (reports only) |
8 | acGroupLevel2Footer | Group-level 2 footer section (reports only) |
For forms and reports, you must combine the Section property with other properties that apply to form or report sections. The following example shows how to refer to the Visible property of the page header section of the Customers form.
For controls, you can use the Section property to determine which section of a form or report a control is in. The following example uses the Section property to determine which section contains the CustomerID control.
Dim intSectionNumber As Integer
intSectionNumber = Forms!Customers!CustomerID.Section
See Also
CanGrow, CanShrink properties, FillColor property, ForceNewPage property, Height, Width properties, KeepTogether property-sections, NewRowOrCol property, SpecialEffect property, Visible property.