Applies To Combo Box control, Text Box control.
You can use the Text property to set or return the text contained in a text box or in the text box portion of a combo box.
You can set the Text property to the text you want to display in the control. You can also use the Text property to read the text currently in the control.
You can set or read this property only by using a macro or Visual Basic. Note To set or return a control's Text property, the control must have the focus, or an error occurs. To move the focus to a control, you can use the SetFocus method or GoToControl action. Remarks While the control has the focus, the Text property contains the text data currently in the control; the Value property contains the last saved data for the control. When you move the focus to another control, the control's data is updated, and the Value property is set to this new value. The Text property setting is then unavailable until the control gets the focus again. If you use the Save Record command on the Records menu to save the data in the control without moving the focus, the Text property and Value property settings will be the same.See Also Caption property, Name property, Value property.
Example The following example uses the Text property to enable a Next button named btnNext whenever the user enters text into a text box named txtName. Anytime the text box is empty, the Next button is disabled.Sub txtName_Change()
btnNext.Enabled = Len(Me!txtName.Text & "")<>0
End Sub