Axes Method

Applies To

Chart object.


Returns an object that represents either a single axis (an Axis object, Syntax 1) or a collection of the axes on the chart (an Axes collection, Syntax 2).

Syntax 1

expression.Axes(Type, AxisGroup)

Syntax 2


expression Required. An expression that returns a Chart object.

Type Optional Variant. Specifies the axis to return. Can be one of the following XlAxisType constants: xlValue, xlCategory, or xlSeriesAxis (xlSeriesAxis is valid only for 3-D charts).

AxisGroup Optional Variant. Specifies the axis group. Can be one of the following XlAxisGroup constants: xlPrimary or xlSecondary. If this argument is omitted, the primary group is used. 3-D charts have only one axis group.


This example adds an axis label to the category axis in Chart1.

With Charts("Chart1").Axes(xlCategory)
    .HasTitle = True
    .AxisTitle.Text = "July Sales"
End With
This example turns off major gridlines for the category axis in Chart1.

Charts("Chart1").Axes(xlCategory).HasMajorGridlines = False
This example turns off all gridlines for all axes in Chart1.

For Each a In Charts("Chart1").Axes
    a.HasMajorGridlines = False
    a.HasMinorGridlines = False
Next a