ChartFillFormat Object


Used only with charts. Represents fill formatting for chart elements.

Using the ChartFillFormat Object

Use the Fill property to return a ChartFillFormat object. The following example sets the foreground color, background color, and gradient for the chart area fill on chart one.

With Charts(1).ChartArea.Fill
    .Visible = True
    .ForeColor.SchemeColor = 15
    .BackColor.SchemeColor = 17
    .TwoColorGradient Style:=msoGradientHorizontal, Variant:=1
End With

Application property, BackColor property, Creator property, ForeColor property, GradientColorType property, GradientDegree property, GradientStyle property, GradientVariant property, Parent property, Pattern property, PresetGradientType property, PresetTexture property, TextureName property, TextureType property, Type property, Visible property.


OneColorGradient method, Patterned method, PresetGradient method, PresetTextured method, Solid method, TwoColorGradient method, UserPicture method, UserTextured method.