EditionOptions Method

Applies To

Range object.


Sets options for publishers and subscribers in the workbook. Available only on the Macintosh running System 7.


expression.EditionOptions(Type, Option, Name, Reference, Appearance, ChartSize, Formats)

expression Required. An expression that returns a Workbook object.

Type Required Long. The edition type to be changed. Can be one of the following XlEditionType constants: xlPublisher or xlSubscriber.

Option Required Long. The type of information to set for the edition. If Type is xlPublisher, Option can be one of the following XlEditionOptionsOption constants: xlCancel, xlSendPublisher, xlSelect, xlAutomaticUpdate, xlManualUpdate, or xlChangeAttributes. If Type is xlSubscriber, Option can be one of the following XlEditionOptionsOption constants: xlCancel, xlUpdateSubscriber, xlOpenSource, xlAutomaticUpdate, or xlManualUpdate.

Name Optional Variant. The name of the edition, as returned from the LinkSources method. If Name is omitted, Reference must be specified.

Reference Optional Variant (required if Name isn't specified). The edition reference, as text in R1C1 style. This argument is required if there's more than one publisher or subscriber with the same edition name in the workbook, or if the Name argument isn't specified.

Appearance Optional Variant. If Option is xlChangeAttributes, this argument specifies whether the edition is published as shown on screen or as shown when printed. Can be one of the following XlPictureAppearance constants: xlPrinter or xlScreen.

ChartSize Optional Variant. If Option is xlChangeAttributes and the published object is a chart, this argument specifies the size of the edition. Can be one of the following XlPictureAppearance constants: xlPrinter or xlScreen. If the edition isn't a chart, this argument isn't used.

Formats Optional Variant. If Option is xlChangeAttributes, this argument specifies the format of the published edition. Can be any combination of the following XlEditionFormat constants: xlPICT, xlBIFF, xlRTF, or xlVALU.

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