Subject Property

Applies To

Mailer object, RoutingSlip object.


Returns or sets the subject for the mailer or routing slip. Read/write String.


The subject for the RoutingSlip object is used as the subject for mail messages used to route the workbook.

On the Macintosh, PowerTalk requires that there be a subject before the mailer can be sent.

See Also

Author property, Comments property, Delivery property, Message property, Recipients method, ReturnWhenDone property.


This example sets the subject for a routing slip for the open workbook. To run this example, you must have Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Mail for the Macintosh installed.

With ThisWorkbook
    .HasRoutingSlip = True
    With .RoutingSlip
        .Delivery = xlOneAfterAnother
        .Recipients = Array("Adam Bendel", "Jean Selva", "Bernard Gabor")
        .Subject = "Here is the workbook"
        .Message = "Here is the workbook. What do you think?"
        .ReturnWhenDone = True
End With
End With
This example sets the subject for a mailer in the PowerTalk mail system (Macintosh only). To run this example, you must have the PowerTalk mail system installed.

With Workbooks(1)
    .HasMailer = True
    With .Mailer
        .Subject = "Here is the workbook"
        .ToRecipients = Array("Jean")
        .CCRecipients = Array("Adam", "Bernard")
        .BCCRecipients = Array("Chris")
        .Enclosures = Array("TestFile")
    End With
End With