VerticalAlignment Property

Applies To

AxisTitle object, ChartTitle object, DataLabel object, DataLabels collection object, Range object, Style object, TextFrame object.


Returns or sets the vertical alignment of the object. Can be one of the following XlVAlign constants: xlVAlignBottom, xlVAlignCenter, xlVAlignDistributed, xlVAlignJustify, or xlVAlignTop. Read/write Long.


The xlVAlignDistributed alignment style works only in Far East versions of Microsoft Excel.

See Also

AddIndent property, HorizontalAlignment property.


This example sets the height of row two on Sheet1 to twice the standard height and then centers the contents of the row vertically.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(2).RowHeight = _
    2 * Worksheets("Sheet1").StandardHeight
Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(2).VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter