Active Property

Applies To

LineNumbering object, Selection object, Window object.


LineNumbering object: True if line numbering is active for the specified document, section, or sections. Can be True, False, or wdUndefined. Read/write Long.

Selection object: True if the selection in the specified window or pane is active. Read-only Boolean.

Window object: True if the specified window is active. Read-only Boolean.

See Also

Activate method, ActiveWindow property, LineNumbering property, Selection property.


This example activates the first window in the Windows collection, if the window isn't currently active.

If Windows(1).Active = False Then Windows(1).Activate
This example activates line numbering for the first section in the selection.

With Selection.Sections(1).PageSetup.LineNumbering
    .Active = True
    .CountBy = 5
    .StartingNumber = 1
End With
This example splits the active window into two panes and activates the selection in the first pane, if it isn't already active.

ActiveWindow.Split = True
If ActiveWindow.Panes(1).Selection.Active = False Then
End If