AddIns Collection Object


A collection of AddIn objects that represents all the add-ins available to Word, regardless of whether or not they're currently loaded. The AddIns collection includes global templates or Word add-in libraries (WLLs) displayed in the Templates and Add-ins dialog box (Tools menu).

Using the AddIns Collection

Use the AddIns property to return the AddIns collection. The following example displays the name and the installed state of each available add-in.

For Each ad In AddIns
    If ad.Installed = True Then
        MsgBox ad.Name & " is installed"
        MsgBox ad.Name & " is available but not installed"
    End If
Next ad
Use the Add method to add an add-in to the list of available add-ins and (optionally) install it using the Install argument.

AddIns.Add FileName:="C:\Templates\Other\", Install:=True
To install an add-in shown in the list of available add-ins, use the Installed property.

AddIns("").Installed = True
Use AddIns(index), where index is the add-in name or index number, to return a single AddIn object. You must exactly match the spelling (but not necessarily the capitalization) of the name, as it's shown in the Templates and Add-ins dialog box. To install an add-in shown in the list of available add-ins, use the Installed property. The following example loads the template as a global template.

AddIns("").Installed = True
Note If the add-in is not located in the User Templates, Workgroup Examples, or Startup folder, you must specify the full path and file name when indexing an add-in by name.


Use the Compiled property to determine whether an AddIn object is a template or a WLL.


Application property, Count property, Creator property, Parent property.


Add method (AddIns collection), Item method, Unload method.

See Also

Templates collection object.