AutoFit Method

Applies To

Cells collection object, Column object, Columns collection object.


Changes the width of a table column to accommodate the width of the text without changing the way text wraps in the cells.



expression Required. An expression that returns a Column or Columns object.


If the table is already as wide as the distance between the left and right margins, this method has no effect.

See Also

Add method (Cells, Rows, and Columns collections), AutoFormat method, Columns property, Height property, HeightRule property, InsertColumns method, SetWidth method.


This example creates a 3x3 table in a new document and then changes the width of the first column to accommodate the width of the text.

Set newDoc = Documents.Add
Set myTable = newDoc.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, _
    NumRows:=3, NumColumns:=3)With myTable
    .Cell(1,1).Range.InsertAfter "First cell"
End With
This example creates a 3x3 table in a new document and then changes the width of all the columns to accommodate the width of the text.

Set newDoc = Documents.Add
Set myTable = newDoc.Tables.Add(Selection.Range, 3, 3)
With myTable
    .Cell(1,1).Range.InsertAfter "First cell"
    .Cell(1,2).Range.InsertAfter "This is cell (1,2)"
    .Cell(1,3).Range.InsertAfter "(1,3)"
End With