DefaultHighlightColorIndex Property

Applies To

Options object.


Returns or sets the color used to highlight text formatted with the Highlight button (Formatting toolbar). Read/write Long.

Can be one of the following WdColorIndex constants:

  • wdBlack
  • wdBlue
  • wdBrightGreen
  • wdDarkBlue
  • wdDarkRed
  • wdDarkYellow
  • wdGray25
  • wdGray50
  • wdGreen
  • wdNoHighlight
  • wdPink
  • wdRed
  • wdTeal
  • wdTurquoise
  • wdViolet
  • wdWhite
  • wdYellow

See Also

ColorIndex property, Highlight property, HighlightColorIndex property, ShowHighlight property.


This example sets the default highlight color to bright green. The new color doesn't apply to any previously highlighted text.

Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdBrightGreen
This example returns the current default highlight color index.

temp = Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex