Global Object


Contains top-level properties and methods that don't need to be preceded by the Application property. For example, the following two statements have the same result.

Documents(1).Content.Bold = True
Application.Documents(1).Content.Bold = True


ActiveDocument property, ActivePrinter property, ActiveWindow property, AddIns property, Application property, Assistant property, AutoCaptions property, AutoCorrect property, CaptionLabels property, CommandBars property, Creator property, CustomDictionaries property, CustomizationContext property, Dialogs property, Documents property, FileConverters property, FindKey property, FontNames property, IsObjectValid property, KeyBindings property, KeysBoundTo property, LandscapeFontNames property, Languages property, ListGalleries property, MacroContainer property, Name property, NormalTemplate property, Options property, Parent property, PortraitFontNames property, PrintPreview property, RecentFiles property, Selection property, ShowVisualBasicEditor property, StatusBar property, SynonymInfo property, System property, Tasks property, Templates property, VBE property, Windows property, WordBasic property.


BuildKeyCode method, CentimetersToPoints method, ChangeFileOpenDirectory method, CheckSpelling method, CleanString method, DDEExecute method, DDEInitiate method, DDEPoke method, DDERequest method, DDETerminate method, DDETerminateAll method, GetSpellingSuggestions method, Help method, InchesToPoints method, KeyString method, LinesToPoints method, MillimetersToPoints method, NewWindow method, PicasToPoints method, PointsToCentimeters method, PointsToInches method, PointsToLines method, PointsToMillimeters method, PointsToPicas method, Repeat method.

See Also

Application object.