LinkFormat Property

Applies To

Field object, InlineShape object, Shape object.


Returns a LinkFormat object that represents the link options of the specified field, inline shape, or shape that's linked to a file. Read-only.

See Also

AutoUpdate property, SourceFullName property, Update method.


This example inserts a graphic as an inline shape (using an INCLUDEPICTURE field) and then displays the source name (Tiles.bmp).

Set iShape = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:="C:\windows\Tiles.bmp", _
    LinkToFile:=True, SaveWithDocument:=False, _
MsgBox iShape.LinkFormat.SourceName
This example updates any fields in the active document that aren't updated automatically.

For Each afield In ActiveDocument.Fields
    If afield.LinkFormat.AutoUpdate = False Then afield.LinkFormat.Update
Next afield