Maximum Property

Applies To

Dictionaries collection object, RecentFiles collection object.


RecentFiles object: Returns or sets the maximum number of recently used files that can appear on the File menu. Can be a number from 0 (zero) to 9. Read/write Long.

Dictionaries object: Returns the maximum number of custom dictionaries allowed. Read-only Long.

See Also

DisplayRecentFiles property, RecentFiles property.


This example disables the list of most recently used files.

RecentFiles.Maximum = 0
This example displays a message if the number of custom dictionaries is equal to the maximum number allowed. If the maximum number hasn't been reached, a custom dictionary named "MyDictionary.dic" is added.

If CustomDictionaries.Count = CustomDictionaries.Maximum Then
    MsgBox "Cannot add another dictionary file"
    CustomDictionaries.Add "MyDictionary.dic"
End If
This example increases the number of items on the list of most recently used files by 1.

num = RecentFiles.Maximum
If num <> 9 Then RecentFiles.Maximum = num + 1