Next Property

Applies To

Cell object, Column object, Field object, FormField object, MailMergeField object, Pane object, Row object, TabStop object, TextFrame object, Window object.


Returns the next object in the collection. Read-only.

See Also

GoToNext method, NextCitation method, NextField method, NextHeaderFooter method, NextRevision method, NextStoryRange property, NextSubdocument method, Previous property.


This example activates the next window.

If Windows.Count > 1 Then ActiveWindow.Next.Activate
If the selection is in a table, this example selects the contents of the next table cell.

If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) = True Then
End If
This example updates the fields in the first section in the active document as long as the Next method returns a Field object and the field isn't a FILLIN field.

If ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Range.Fields.Count >= 1 Then
    Set myField = ActiveDocument.Fields(1)
    While Not (myField Is Nothing)
        If myField.Type <> wdFieldFillIn Then myField.Update
        Set myField = myField.Next
End If
This example indents the second paragraph in the selection.
