Parent Property

Applies To

AddIn object, AddIns collection object, Adjustments object, Application object, AutoCaption object, AutoCaptions collection object, AutoCorrect object, AutoCorrectEntries collection object, AutoCorrectEntry object, AutoTextEntries collection object, AutoTextEntry object, Bookmark object, Bookmarks collection object, Border object, Borders collection object, Browser object, CalloutFormat object, CaptionLabel object, CaptionLabels collection object, Cell object, Cells collection object, Characters collection object, CheckBox object, ColorFormat object, Column object, Columns collection object, Comment object, Comments collection object, CustomLabel object, CustomLabels collection object, Dialog object, Dialogs collection object, Dictionaries collection object, Dictionary object, Document object, Documents collection object, DropCap object, DropDown object, Endnote object, Endnotes collection object, Envelope object, Field object, Fields collection object, FileConverter object, FileConverters collection object, FillFormat object, Find object, FirstLetterException object, FirstLetterExceptions collection object, Font object, FontNames object, Footnote object, Footnotes collection object, FormField object, FormFields collection object, Frame object, Frames collection object, FreeformBuilder object, Global object, GroupShapes collection object, HeaderFooter object, HeadersFooters collection object, HeadingStyle object, HeadingStyles collection object, Hyperlink object, Hyperlinks collection object, Index object, Indexes collection object, InlineShape object, InlineShapes collection object, KeyBinding object, KeyBindings collection object, KeysBoundTo collection object, Language object, Languages collection object, LetterContent object, LineFormat object, LineNumbering object, LinkFormat object, List object, ListEntries collection object, ListEntry object, ListFormat object, ListGalleries collection object, ListGallery object, ListLevel object, ListLevels collection object, ListParagraphs collection object, Lists collection object, ListTemplate object, ListTemplates collection object, Mailer object, MailingLabel object, MailMerge object, MailMergeDataField object, MailMergeDataFields collection object, MailMergeDataSource object, MailMergeField object, MailMergeFieldName object, MailMergeFieldNames collection object, MailMergeFields collection object, MailMessage object, OLEFormat object, Options object, PageNumber object, PageNumbers collection object, PageSetup object, Pane object, Panes collection object, Paragraph object, ParagraphFormat object, Paragraphs collection object, PictureFormat object, ProofreadingErrors collection object, Range object, ReadabilityStatistic object, ReadabilityStatistics collection object, RecentFile object, RecentFiles collection object, Replacement object, Revision object, Revisions collection object, RoutingSlip object, Row object, Rows collection object, Section object, Sections collection object, Selection object, Sentences collection object, Shading object, ShadowFormat object, Shape object, ShapeNode object, ShapeNodes collection object, ShapeRange collection object, Shapes collection object, SpellingSuggestion object, SpellingSuggestions collection object, StoryRanges collection object, Style object, Styles collection object, Subdocument object, Subdocuments collection object, SynonymInfo object, System object, Table object, TableOfAuthorities object, TableOfAuthoritiesCategory object, TableOfContents object, TableOfFigures object, Tables collection object, TablesOfAuthorities collection object, TablesOfAuthoritiesCategories collection object, TablesOfContents collection object, TablesOfFigures collection object, TabStop object, TabStops collection object, Task object, Tasks collection object, Template object, Templates collection object, TextColumn object, TextColumns collection object, TextEffectFormat object, TextFrame object, TextInput object, TextRetrievalMode object, ThreeDFormat object, TwoInitialCapsException object, TwoInitialCapsExceptions collection object, Variable object, Variables collection object, Version object, Versions collection object, View object, Window object, Windows collection object, Words collection object, WrapFormat object, Zoom object, Zooms collection object.


Returns the parent object of the specified object. Read-only.


This example sets the variable myObject to the parent object of the Bookmarks object. The message box displays the object type name of myObject (Document).

Set myObject = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Parent
MsgBox TypeName(myObject)
This example sets the variable myRange to cell one in table one in the active document. The width of this cell is changed to 36 points, and border formatting is removed from the table.

Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 1)
With myRange
    .SetWidth ColumnWidth:=36, RulerStyle:=wdAdjustNone
    .Parent.Borders.Enable = False
End With