Previous Property

Applies To

Cell object, Column object, Field object, FormField object, MailMergeField object, Pane object, Row object, TabStop object, TextFrame object, Window object.


Returns the previous object in the collection. Read-only.

See Also

GoToPrevious method, LinkToPrevious method, Next property, PreviousBookmarkID property, PreviousField method, PreviousHeaderFooter method, PreviousRevision method, PreviousSubdocument method.


This example sets the space-before and space-after formatting for the paragraph immediately preceding the selection.

Set myPara = Selection.Paragraphs(1).Previous
With myPara
    .SpaceAfter = 12
    .SpaceBefore = 6
End With
If the selection is in a table, this example selects the contents of the previous row.

If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) = True Then
End If
This example displays the field code of the second-to-last field in the active document.

Set aField = ActiveDocument.Fields(ActiveDocument.Fields.Count).Previous
MsgBox "Field code = " & aField.Code