Tasks Property
Applies To
Application object, Global object.
Returns a Tasks collection that represents all the applications that are running. Read-only.
See Also
SendWindowMessage method, Task object.
This example displays the calculator. If the calculator is not already running, then Word starts the task and then displays the calculator.
If Tasks.Exists("Calculator") Then
With Tasks("Calculator")
.WindowState = wdWindowStateNormal
End With
Shell "calc.exe"
Tasks("Calculator").WindowState = wdWindowStateNormal
End If
This example checks to see whether Microsoft Excel is currently running. If the task is running, the example activates Microsoft Excel; otherwise, a message box is displayed.
If Tasks.Exists("Microsoft Excel") = True Then
With Tasks("Microsoft Excel")
.WindowState = wdWindowStateMaximize
End With
Msgbox "Microsoft Excel is not currently running."
End If