Templates Property

Applies To

Application object, Global object.


Returns a Templates collection that represents all the available templates — global templates as well as those attached to open documents. Read-only.

See Also

AttachedTemplate property, DefaultFilePath property, NormalTemplate property, Open method.


This example displays the name of each template in the Templates collection.

Count = 1
For Each aTemplate In Templates
    MsgBox aTemplate.Name & " is template number " & Count
    Count = Count + 1
Next aTemplate
In this example, if template one is a global template, its path is stored in thePath. The ChDir statement is used to make the folder with the path stored in thePath the current folder. When this change is made, the Open dialog box is displayed.

If Templates(1).Type = wdGlobalTemplate Then
    thePath = Templates(1).Path
    If thePath <> "" Then ChDir thePath
End If