Object | Description | |
CalloutFormat | Returns or sets the callout type. Can be one of the MsoCalloutType constants: msoCalloutFour, msoCalloutMixed, msoCalloutOne, msoCalloutThree, or msoCalloutTwo. Read/write Long. | |
ColorFormat | Returns or sets the shape color type. Can be one of the following MsoColorType constants: msoColorTypeMixed, msoColorTypeRGB, or msoColorTypeScheme. Read-only Long. | |
Dialog | Returns the type of built-in Word dialog box. Can be one of the WdWordDialog constants. Read-only Long. | |
Dictionary | Returns the dictionary type. Can be one of the following WdDictionaryType constants: wdGrammar, wdHyphenation, wdSpelling, wdSpellingComplete, wdSpellingCustom, wdSpellingLegal, wdSpellingMedical, or wdThesaurus. Read-only Long. | |
Document | Returns the document type (template or document). Can be either of the following WdDocumentType constants: wdTypeDocument or wdTypeTemplate. Read-only Long. | |
Field, FormField, MailMergeField | Returns the field type. Can be one of the WdFieldType constants. Read-only Long. | |
FillFormat | Returns the shape fill format type. Can be one of the following MsoFillType constants: msoFillBackground, msoFillGradient, msoFillMixed, msoFillPatterned, msoFillPicture, msoFillSolid or msoFillTextured. Read-only Long. | |
Hyperlink | Returns the hyperlink type. Can be one of the following MsoHyperlinkType constants: msoHyperlinkInlineShape, msoHyperLinkRange, or msoHyperlinkShape. Read-only Long. | |
Index | Returns or sets the index type. Can be either of the following WdIndexType constants: wdIndexIndent or wdIndexRunin. Read/write Long. |
Object | Description | |
InlineShape | Returns the type of inline shape. Can be one of the following WdInlineShapeType constants: wdInlineShapeEmbeddedOLEObject, wdInlineShapeLinkedOLEObject, wdInlineShapeLinkedPicture, wdInlineShapeOLEControlObject, or wdInlineShapePicture. Read-only Long. | |
LinkFormat | Returns the link type. Can be one of the following WdLinkType constants: wdLinkTypeDDE, wdLinkTypeDDEAuto, wdLinkTypeImport, wdLinkTypeInclude, wdLinkTypeOLE, wdLinkTypePicture, wdLinkTypeReference, or wdLinkTypeText. Read-only Long. | |
MailMergeDataSource | Returns the type of mail merge data source. Can be one of the following WdMailMergeDataSource constants: wdMergeInfoFromAccessDDE, wdMergeInfoFromExcelDDE, wdMergeInfoFromMSQueryDDE, wdMergeInfoFromODBC, wdMergeInfoFromWord, or wdNoMergeInfo. Read-only Long. | |
ProofreadingErrors | Returns the type of proofreading error. Can be either of the following WdProofreadingErrorType constants: wdGrammaticalError or wdSpellingError. Read-only Long. | |
Revision | Returns the revision type. Can be one of the following WdRevisionType constants: wdNoRevision, wdRevisionDelete, wdRevisionDisplayField, wdRevisionInsert, wdRevisionParagraphNumber, wdRevisionProperty, wdRevisionReconcile, wdRevisionReplace, or wdRevisionStyle. Read-only Long. | |
Selection | Returns the selection type. Can be one of the following WdSelectionType constants: wdNoSelection, wdSelectionBlock, wdSelectionColumn, wdSelectionFrame, wdSelectionInlineShape, wdSelectionIP, wdSelectionNormal, wdSelectionRow, or wdSelectionShape. Read-only Long. | |
ShadowFormat | Returns or sets the shape shadow type. Can be one of the MsoShadowType constants. Read/write Long. |
Shape, ShapeRange | Returns the shape type. Can be one of the following MsoShapeType constants: msoAutoShape, msoCallout, msoChart, msoComment, msoEmbeddedOLEObject, msoFormControl, msoFreeform, msoGroup, msoLine, msoLinkedOLEObject, msoLinkedPicture, msoMedia, msoOLEControlObject, msoPicture, msoPlaceholder, msoShapeTypeMixed, msoTextBox, or msoTextEffect. Read-only Long. |
Style | Returns the style type. Can be either of the following WdStyleType constants: wdStyleTypeParagraph or wdStyleTypeCharacter. Read-only Long. |
Template | Returns the template type. Can be one of the following WdTemplateType constants: wdAttachedTemplate, wdGlobalTemplate, or wdNormalTemplate. Read-only Long. |
TextInput | Returns the type of text form field. Can be one of the following WdTextFormFieldType constants: wdCalculationText, wdCurrentDateText, wdCurrentTimeText, wdDateText, wdNumberText, or wdRegularText. Read-only Long. |
View | Returns or sets the view type. Can be one of the following WdViewType constants: wdMasterView, wdNormalView, wdOnlineView, wdOutlineView, wdPageView, or wdPrintPreview. Read/write Long. |
Window | Returns the window type. Can be either of the following WdWindowType constants: wdWindowDocument or wdWindowTemplate. Read-only Long. |
WrapFormat | Returns the wrap type for the specified shape. Can be one of the following WdWrapType constants: wdWrapNone, wdWrapSquare, wdWrapThrough, wdWrapTight, or wdWrapTopBottom. Read/write Long. |
If ActiveWindow.Type = wdWindowDocument Then
ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1").ParagraphFormat.Alignment = _
End If
This example switches the active window to print preview. The Type property creates a new print preview window.
ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPrintPreview
This example displays a message that indicates the style type of the style named "SubTitle" in the active document.
If ActiveDocument.Styles("SubTitle").Type = wdStyleTypeParagraph Then
MsgBox "Paragraph style"
ElseIf ActiveDocument.Styles("SubTitle").Type = wdStyleTypeCharacter Then
MsgBox "Character style"
End If
This example accepts the next revision in the active document if the revision type is inserted text.
Set myRev = Selection.NextRevision
If Not (myRev Is Nothing) Then
If myRev.Type = wdRevisionInsert Then myRev.Accept
End If
This example formats the selection as engraved if the selection isn't an insertion point.
If Selection.Type <> wdSelectionIP Then
Selection.Font.Engrave = True
MsgBox "You need to select some text."
End If