Action Property

Applies To

ActionSetting object.


Returns or sets the type of action that will occur when the specified shape is clicked or the mouse pointer is positioned over the shape during a slide show. Can be one of the following PpActionType constants: ppActionEndShow, ppActionFirstSlide, ppActionHyperlink, ppActionLastSlide, ppActionLastSlideViewed, ppActionMixed, ppActionNamedSlideShow, ppActionNextSlide, ppActionNone, ppActionOLEVerb, ppActionPreviousSlide, ppActionRunMacro, or ppActionRunProgram. Read/write Long.

You can use the Action property in conjunction with other properties of the ActionSetting object, as shown in the following table.

If you set the Action property to this value

Use this property

To do this



Set properties for the hyperlink that will be followed in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show.



Return or set the name of the program to run in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show.



Return or set the name of the macro to run in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show.



Set the OLE verb that will be invoked in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show.



Set the name of the custom slide show that will run in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show.


This example sets shape three on slide one in the active presentation to be played when the mouse passes over it during a slide show.

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).ActionSettings(ppMouseOver)
    .ActionVerb = "Play"
    .Action = ppActionOLEVerb
End With