AnimationSettings Object
Represents the special effects applied to the animation for the specified shape during a slide show.
Using the AnimationSettings Object
Use the AnimationSettings property of the Shape object to return the AnimationSettings object. The following example adds a slide that contains both a title and a three-item list to the active presentation, and then it sets the list to be animated by first-level paragraphs, to fly in from the left when animated, to dim to the specified color after being animated, and to animate its items in reverse order.
Set sObjs = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(2, ppLayoutText).Objects
sObjs.Title.Text = "Top Three Reasons"
With sObjs.Placeholders(1)
.Text = "Reason 1" & Chr(13) & "Reason 2" & Chr(13) & "Reason 3"
With .AnimationSettings
.TextLevelEffect = ppAnimateByFirstLevel
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromLeft
.AfterEffect = ppAfterEffectDim
.DimColor.RGB = RGB(100, 120, 100)
.AnimateTextInReverse = True
End With
End With
AdvanceMode property, AdvanceTime property, AfterEffect property, Animate property, AnimateBackground property, AnimateTextInReverse property, AnimationOrder property, Application property, ChartUnitEffect property, DimColor property, EntryEffect property, Parent property, PlaySettings property, SoundEffect property, TextLevelEffect property, TextUnitEffect property.
See Also
ActionSettings collection object, PlaySettings object.