Application Object


Represents the entire Microsoft PowerPoint application. The Application object contains:

  • Application-wide settings and options (the name of the active printer, for example).
  • Properties that return top-level objects, such as ActivePresentation, Windows, and so on.
Using the Application Object

Use the Application property to return the Application object. The following example applies the Windows property to the Application object.

The following example creates a PowerPoint Application object in another application, starts PowerPoint (if it's not already running), and opens an existing presentation named "Ex_a2a.ppt."

Set ppt = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application.8")
ppt.Visible = True
ppt.Presentations.Open "c:\My Documents\ex_a2a.ppt"

When you are writing code that will run from PowerPoint, the following properties of the Application object can be used without the object qualifier: ActivePresentation, ActiveWindow, AddIns, Assistant, CommandBars, Presentations, SlideShowWindows, Windows. For example, instead of writing Application.ActiveWindow.Height = 200, you can write ActiveWindow.Height = 200.


Active property, ActivePresentation property, ActivePrinter property, ActiveWindow property, AddIns property, Assistant property, Build property, Caption property, CommandBars property, Creator property, FileFind property, FileSearch property, Height property, Left property, Name property, OperatingSystem property, Path property, Presentations property, SlideShowWindows property, Top property, VBE property, Version property, Visible property, Width property, Windows property, WindowState property.


Activate method, Help method, Quit method, Run method.