DisplayMasterShapes Property

Applies To

Slide object, SlideRange collection object.


True if the specified slide or range of slides displays the background objects on the slide master. These background objects can include text, drawings, OLE objects, and clip art you add to the slide master. Headers and footers aren't included. Read/write Long.


When you create a new slide, the default value for this property is True. If you copy a slide from another presentation, it retains the setting it had in the original presentation. That is, if the slide omitted slide master background objects in the original presentation, it will omit them in the new presentation as well.

Note The look of the slide's background is determined by the color scheme and background as well as by the background objects. If setting the DisplayMasterShapes property alone doesn't give you the results you want, try setting the FollowMasterBackground and ColorScheme properties as well.


This example copies slide one from presentation two, pastes it at the end of presentation one, and matches the slide's background, color scheme, and background objects to the rest of presentation one.

With Presentations(1).Slides.Paste
    .FollowMasterBackground = True
    .ColorScheme = Presentations(1).SlideMaster.ColorScheme
    .DisplayMasterShapes = True
End With