GotoSlide Method

Applies To

SlideShowView object, View object.


View object: Switches to the specified slide.

SlideShowView object: Switches to the specified slide during a slide show. You can specify whether you want the animation effects to be rerun.

Syntax 1


expression Required. An expression that returns a View object.

Index Required Long. The number of the slide to switch to.

Syntax 1

expression.GotoSlide(Index, ResetSlide)

expression Required. An expression that returns a SlideShowView object.

Index Required Long. The number of the slide to switch to.

ResetSlide Optional Long. If you switch from one slide to another during a slide show with ResetSlide set to False, when you return to the first slide, its animation picks up where it left off. If you switch from one slide to another with ResetSlide set to True, when you return to the first slide, its entire animation starts over. The default value is True.

See Also

First method, GotoNamedShow method, Last method, Next method, Previous method.


This example switches from the current slide to the slide three in slide show window one. If you switch back to the current slide during the slide show, its entire animation will start over.

With SlideShowWindows(1).View
    .GotoSlide 3
End With
This example switches from the current slide to the slide three in slide show window one. If you switch back to the current slide during the slide show, its animation will pick up where it left off.

With SlideShowWindows(1).View
    .GotoSlide 3, False
End With

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