HyperLink Object


Represents a hyperlink associated with a shape. You can use a hyperlink to jump to an Internet or intranet site, to another file, or to a slide within the active presentation. The HyperLink object is a member of the HyperLinks collection. The HyperLinks collection contains all the hyperlinks on a slide or a master.

Using the HyperLink Object

Use the Hyperlink property to return a hyperlink for a shape. A shape can have two different hyperlinks assigned to it: one that's followed when the user clicks the shape during a slide show, and another that's followed when the user passes the mouse pointer over the shape during a slide show. For the hyperlink to be active during a slide show, the Action property must be set to ppActionHyperlink. The following example sets the mouse-click action for shape three on slide one in the active presentation to an Internet link.

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick)
    .Action = ppActionHyperLink
    .HyperLink.Address = "http://www.microsoft.com"
End With
A slide can have more than one hyperlink. Use Hyperlinks(index), where index is the hyperlink number, to return a single Hyperlink object. The following example adds a shortcut to the target document for the mouse-click hyperlink for shape three to the Favorites folder.

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).ActionSettings(ppMouseClick) _

Address property, Application property, Parent property, SubAddress property, Type property.


AddToFavorites method.