Next Method

Applies To

SlideShowView object.


DocumentWindow object: Returns a DocumentWindow object that represents the next window in the document window order. If the Next method is applied to the last window in the order, it returns Nothing.

SlideShowWindow object: Returns a SlideShowWindow object that represents the next window in the slide show window order. If the Next method is applied to the last window in the order, it returns Nothing.

SlideShowView object: Displays the slide immediately following the slide that's currently displayed. If the last slide is displayed, closes the slide show in speaker mode and returns to the first slide in kiosk mode.



expression Required. An expression that returns a DocumentWindow, SlideShowView, or SlideShowWindow object.

See Also

First method, GotoSlide method, Last method, Previous method.


This example activates the document window immediately following the active window in the document window order.

This example shows the slide immediately following the currently displayed slide on slide show window one.
