ObjectVerbs Property

Applies To

OLEFormat object.


Returns a ObjectVerbs collection that contains all the OLE verbs for the specified OLE object. Read-only.

See Also

DoVerb method.


This example displays all the available verbs for the OLE object contained in shape one on slide two in the active presentation. For this example to work, shape one must contain an OLE object.

With ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes(1).OLEFormat
    For Each v In .ObjectVerbs
        MsgBox v
End With
This example specifies that the OLE object contained in shape one on slide two in the active presentation will open when it's clicked during a slide show if "Open" is one of the OLE verbs for that object. For this example to work, shape one must contain an OLE object.

With ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes(1)
    For Each sVerb In OLEFormat.ObjectVerbs
        If sVerb = "Open" Then
            With ActionSettings(ppMouseClick)
                .Action = ppActionOLEVerb
                .ActionVerb = sVerb
            End With
            Exit For
        End If
End With

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