Presentation Object


Represents a PowerPoint presentation. The Presentation object is a member of the Presentations collection. The Presentations collection contains all the Presentation objects that represent open presentations in PowerPoint.

Using the Presentation Object

This section describes how to:

  • Return a presentation that you specify by name or index number
  • Return the presentation in the active window
  • Return the presentation in any document window or slide show window you specify
Returning a presentation that you specify by name or index number

Use Presentations(index), where index is the presentation's name or index number, to return a single Presentation object. The name of the presentation is the file name, with or without the file name extension, and without the path. The following example adds a slide to the beginning of Sample Presentation.

Presentations("Sample Presentation").Slides.Add 1, 1
Note that if multiple presentations with the same name are open, the first presentation in the collection with the specified name is returned.

Returning the presentation in the active window

Use the ActivePresentation property to return the presentation in the active window. The following example saves the active presentation.

Note that if an embedded presentation is in-place active, the ActivePresentation property returns the embedded presentation.

Returning the presentation in any document window or slide show window you specify

Use the Presentation property to return the presentation that's in the specified document window or slide show window. The following example displays the name of the slide show running in slide show window one.

MsgBox SlideShowWindows(1).Presentation.Name

Application property, BuiltInDocumentProperties property, ColorSchemes property, Container property, CustomDocumentProperties property, DefaultShape property, DisplayComments property, ExtraColors property, FarEastLineBreakLevel property, Fonts property, FullName property, HandoutMaster property, HasTitleMaster property, LayoutDirection property, Name property, NoLineBreakAfter property, NoLineBreakBefore property, NotesMaster property, PageSetup property, Parent property, Path property, PrintOptions property, ReadOnly property, Saved property, SlideMaster property, Slides property, SlideShowSettings property, Tags property, TemplateName property, TitleMaster property, VBProject property, Windows property.


AddTitleMaster method, AddToFavorites method, ApplyTemplate method, Close method, Export method, FollowHyperlink method, NewWindow method, PrintOut method, Reload method, Save method, SaveAs method, SaveCopyAs method, UpdateLinks method.