PrintOut Method

Applies To

Presentation object.


Prints the specified presentation.


expression.PrintOut(From, To, PrintToFile, Copies, Collate)

expression Required. An expression that returns a Presentation object.

From Optional Long. The number of the first page to be printed. If this argument is omitted, printing starts at the beginning of the presentation. Specifying the To and From arguments sets the contents of the PrintRanges object and sets the value of the RangeType property for the presentation.

To Optional Long. The number of the last page to be printed. If this argument is omitted, printing continues to the end of the presentation. Specifying the To and From arguments sets the contents of the PrintRanges object and sets the value of the RangeType property for the presentation.

PrintToFile Optional String. The name of the file to print to. If you specify this argument, the file is printed to a file rather than sent to a printer. If this argument is omitted, the file is sent to a printer.

Copies Optional Long. The number of copies to be printed. If this argument is omitted, only one copy is printed. Specifying this argument sets the value of the NumberOfCopies property.

Collate Optional Long. True to print a complete copy of the presentation before the first page of the next copy is printed. If this argument is omitted, multiple copies are collated. Specifying this argument sets the value of the Collate property.


This example prints two uncollated copies of each slide — whether visible or hidden — from slide two to slide five in the active presentation.

With Application.ActivePresentation
    .PrintOptions.PrintHiddenSlides = True
    .PrintOut From:=2, To:=5, Copies:=2, Collate:=False
End With
This example prints a single copy of all slides in the active presentation to the file Testprnt.prn.

Application.ActivePresentation.PrintOut PrintToFile:="TestPrnt"