SaveAs Method

Applies To

Presentation object.


Saves a presentation that's never been saved, or saves a previously saved presentation under a different name.


expression.SaveAs(Filename, FileFormat, EmbedFonts)

expression Required. An expression that returns a Presentation object.

Filename Required String. Specifies the name to save the file under. If you don't include a full path, PowerPoint saves the file in the current folder.

FileFormat Optional Long. Specifies the saved file format. Can be one of the following PpSaveAsFileType constants: ppSaveAsAddIn, ppSaveAsPowerPoint3, ppSaveAsPowerPoint4, ppSaveAsPowerPoint7, ppSaveAsPresentation, ppSaveAsRTF, or ppSaveAsTemplate. If this argument is omitted, the file is saved in the format of a presentation in the current version of PowerPoint (ppSaveAsPresentation).

EmbedFonts Optional Long. True to have PowerPoint embed TrueType fonts in the saved presentation. The default value is False.

See Also

Export method, Save method, SaveCopyAs method.


This example saves a copy of the active presentation under the name "New Format Copy.ppt." By default, this copy is saved in the format of a presentation in the current version of PowerPoint. The presentation is then saved as a PowerPoint 4.0 file named "Old Format Copy."

With Application.ActivePresentation
    .SaveCopyAs "New Format Copy"
    .SaveAs "Old Format Copy", ppSaveAsPowerPoint4
End With