Top Property

Applies To

Application object, DocumentWindow object, Shape object, ShapeRange collection object, SlideShowWindow object.


Returns or sets the top position of the object (in points), as shown in the following table. Read/write Single.



Application, SlideShowWindow

The distance from the top edge of the application window or slide show window to the top edge of the desktop. Setting this property to a very large positive or negative value may position the window completely off the desktop.


The distance from the top edge of the document window to the top edge of the application window's client area.


The distance from the top edge of the shape's bounding box to the top edge of the document.


The distance from the top edge of the topmost shape in the shape range to the top edge of the document. Read-only.

See Also

Height property, IncrementTop method, Left property, Width property.


This example arranges windows one and two horizontally; in other words, each window occupies half the available vertical space and all the available horizontal space in the application window's client area. For this example to work, there must be only two document windows open.

Windows.Arrange ppArrangeTiled
ah = Windows(1).Height                      ' available height
aw = Windows(1).Width + Windows(2).Width    ' available width
With Windows(1)
    .Width = aw
    .Height = ah / 2
    .Left = 0
End With
With Windows(2)
    .Width = aw
    .Height = ah / 2
    .Top = ah / 2
    .Left = 0
End With