AppointmentItem Object
Represents an appointment in the Calendar folder. An AppointmentItem object can represent a meeting, a one-time appointment, or a recurring appointment or meeting.
Using the AppointmentItem Object
Use the CreateItem method to create an AppointmentItem object that represents a new appointment. The following example returns a new appointment.
Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
Use Items(index), where index is the index number of an appointment or a value used to match the default property of an appointment, to return a single AppointmentItem object from a Calendar folder.
You can also return an AppointmentItem object from a MeetingRequestItem object by using the GetAssociatedAppointment method.
Actions property, AllDayEvent property, Application property, Attachments property, BillingInformation property, Body property, BusyStatus property, Categories property, Companies property, CreationTime property, Duration property, End property, EntryID property, FormDescription property, GetInspector property, Importance property, IsRecurring property, LastModificationTime property, Location property, MeetingStatus property, MessageClass property, Mileage property, NoAging property, OptionalAttendees property, Organizer property, OutlookInternalVersion property, OutlookVersion property, Parent property, Recipients property, ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property, ReminderOverrideDefault property, ReminderPlaySound property, ReminderSet property, ReminderSoundFile property, ReplyTime property, RequiredAttendees property, Resources property, ResponseRequested property, ResponseStatus property, Saved property, Sensitivity property, Size property, Start property, Subject property, UnRead property, UserProperties property.
ClearRecurrencePattern method, Close method, Copy method, Delete method, Display method, GetRecurrencePattern method, Move method, PrintOut method, Respond method, Save method, SaveAs method, Send method.
Close event, CustomAction event, CustomPropertyChange event, Forward event, Open event, PropertyChange event, Read event, Reply event, ReplyAll event, Send event, Write event.