ContactItem Object
Represents a contact in a Contacts folder. A contact can represent any person with whom you have any personal or professional contact.
Using the ContactItem Object
Use the CreateItem method to create a ContactItem object that represents a new contact. The following example returns a new contact.
Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olContactItem)
Use Items(index), where index is the index number of a contact or a value used to match the default property of a contact, to return a single ContactItem object from a Contacts folder.
Account property, Actions property, Anniversary property, Application property, AssistantName property, AssistantTelephoneNumber property, Attachments property, BillingInformation property, Birthday property, Body property, Business2TelephoneNumber property, BusinessAddress property, BusinessAddressCity property, BusinessAddressCountry property, BusinessAddressPostalCode property, BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox property, BusinessAddressState property, BusinessAddressStreet property, BusinessFaxNumber property, BusinessHomePage property, BusinessTelephoneNumber property, CallbackTelephoneNumber property, CarTelephoneNumber property, Categories property, Children property, Companies property, CompanyAndFullName property, CompanyMainTelephoneNumber property, CompanyName property, ComputerNetworkName property, CreationTime property, CustomerID property, Department property, Email1Address property, Email1AddressType property, Email1DisplayName property, Email1EntryID property, Email2Address property, Email2AddressType property, Email2DisplayName property, Email2EntryID property, Email3Address property, Email3AddressType property, Email3DisplayName property, Email3EntryID property, EntryID property, FileAs property, FirstName property, FormDescription property, FTPSite property, FullName property, FullNameAndCompany property, Gender property, GetInspector property, GovernmentIDNumber property, Hobby property, Home2TelephoneNumber property, HomeAddress property, HomeAddressCity property, HomeAddressCountry property, HomeAddressPostalCode property, HomeAddressPostOfficeBox property, HomeAddressState property, HomeAddressStreet property, HomeFaxNumber property, HomeTelephoneNumber property, Importance property, Initials property, ISDNNumber property, JobTitle property, Journal property, Language property, LastModificationTime property, LastName property, LastNameAndFirstName property, MailingAddress property, MailingAddressCity property, MailingAddressCountry property, MailingAddressPostalCode property, MailingAddressPostOfficeBox property, MailingAddressState property, MailingAddressStreet property, ManagerName property, MessageClass property, MiddleName property, Mileage property, MobileTelephoneNumber property, NickName property, NoAging property, OfficeLocation property, OrganizationalIDNumber property, OtherAddress property, OtherAddressCity property, OtherAddressCountry property, OtherAddressPostalCode property, OtherAddressPostOfficeBox property, OtherAddressState property, OtherAddressStreet property, OtherFaxNumber property, OtherTelephoneNumber property, OutlookInternalVersion property, OutlookVersion property, PagerNumber property, Parent property, PersonalHomePage property, PrimaryTelephoneNumber property, Profession property, RadioTelephoneNumber property, ReferredBy property, Saved property, SelectedMailingAddress property, Sensitivity property, Size property, Spouse property, Subject property, Suffix property, TelexNumber property, Title property, TTYTDDTelephoneNumber property, UnRead property, User1 property, User2 property, User3 property, User4 property, UserCertificate property, UserProperties property, WebPage property, YomiCompanyName property, YomiFirstName property, YomiLastName property.
Close method, Copy method, Delete method, Display method, Move method, PrintOut method, Save method, SaveAs method.
Close event, CustomAction event, CustomPropertyChange event, Forward event, Open event, PropertyChange event, Read event, Reply event, ReplyAll event, Send event, Write event.