MailingAddressPostOfficeBox Property

Applies To

ContactItem object.


Returns or sets the post office box number portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write String.


This property is parsed from the MailingAddress property, which in turn replicates the property indicated by the SelectedMailingAddress property, which is one of the following OlMailingAddress constants: olBusiness, olHome, olNone, or olOther. While can be changed or entered independently should it be parsed incorrectly, any such changes or entries to this property will be overwritten by any subsequent changes or entries to either MailingAddress or to the property indicated by SelectedMailingAddress.

See Also

MailingAddress property, MailingAddressCity property, MailingAddressCountry property, MailingAddressPostalCode property, MailingAddressState property, MailingAddressStreet property.