NoteItem Object


Represents a note (an annotation attached to a document) in a Notes folder.

Using the NoteItem Object

Use the CreateItem method to create a NoteItem object that represents a new note. The following example returns a new note.

Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olNoteItem)
Use Items(index), where index is the index number of a note or a value used to match the default property of a note, to return a single NoteItem object from an Notes folder.


Application property, Body property, Categories property, Color property, CreationTime property, EntryID property, GetInspector property, Height property, LastModificationTime property, Left property, MessageClass property, Parent property, Saved property, Subject property, Top property, Width property.


Close method, Copy method, Delete method, Display method, Move method, PrintOut method, Save method, SaveAs method.


Close event, CustomAction event, CustomPropertyChange event, Forward event, Open event, PropertyChange event, Read event, Reply event, ReplyAll event, Send event, Write event.