Respond Method

Applies To

AppointmentItem object, TaskItem object.


Responds to a meeting request for the AppointmentItem object or a task request for the TaskItem object.


expression.Respond(IResponse, fNoUI, fAdditionalTextDialog)

expression An expression that returns a AppointmentItem or TaskItem object.

IResponse Required Long. The response to the request. Can be one of the following OlResponseStatus constants: olResponseAccepted, olResponseDeclined, olResponseNone, olResponseNotResponded, olResponseOrganized, or olResponseTentative.

fNoUI Optional Boolean. True to not display a dialog box; the response is sent automatically. False to display the dialog box for responding.

fAdditionalTextDialog Optional Boolean. True to not prompt the user for input; the response is displayed in the inspector for editing. False to prompt the user to either send or send with comments. This argument is valid only if fNoUI is False.


This example gets the appointment from the meeting request, accepts the meeting request and brings up the inspector containing the response to allow entry of additional text before sending it.

set myAppt = myMtgReq.GetAssociatedAppointment(True)
myAppt.Respond olResponseAccepted, False, True