* Operator


Used to multiply two numbers.


result = number1*number2

The * operator syntax has these parts




Required; any numeric variable.


Required; any numeric expression.


Required; any numeric expression.


The data type of result is usually the same as that of the most precise expression. The order of precision, from least to most precise, is Byte, Integer, Long, Single, Currency, Double, and Decimal. The following are exceptions to this order


Then result is

Multiplication involves a Single and a Long,

converted to a Double.

The data type of result is a Long, Single, or Date variant that overflows its legal range,

converted to a Variant containing a Double.

The data type of result is a Byte variant that overflows its legal range,

converted to an Integer variant.

the data type of result is an Integer variant that overflows its legal range,

converted to a Long variant.

If one or both expressions are Null expressions, result is Null. If an expression is Empty, it is treated as 0.

Note   The order of precision used by multiplication is not the same as the order of precision used by addition and subtraction.

See Also

Operator precedence.


This example uses the * operator to multiply two numbers.

Dim MyValue
MyValue = 2 * 2                            ' Returns 4.
MyValue = 459.35 * 334.90             ' Returns 153836.315.