IsArray Function


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a variable is an array.



The required varname argument is an identifier specifying a variable.


IsArray returns True if the variable is an array; otherwise, it returns False. IsArray is especially useful with variants containing arrays.

See Also

Array function, IsDate function, IsEmpty function, IsError function, IsMissing function, IsNull function, IsNumeric function, IsObject function, TypeName function, Variant data type, VarType function.


This example uses the IsArray function to check if a variable is an array.

Dim MyArray(1 To 5) As Integer, YourArray, MyCheck    ' Declare array variables.
YourArray = Array(1, 2, 3)                    ' Use Array function.
MyCheck = IsArray(MyArray)                    ' Returns True.
MyCheck = IsArray(YourArray)                ' Returns True.