IsError Function


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression is an error value.



The required expression argument must be a Variant of VarType vbError.


Error values are created by converting real numbers to error values using the CVErr function. The IsError function is used to determine if a numeric expression represents an error. IsError returns True if the expression argument indicates an error; otherwise, it returns False. IsError only returns meaningful information for variants of VarType vbError.

See Also

CVErr function, IsArray function, IsDate function, IsEmpty function, IsMissing function, IsNull function, IsNumeric function, IsObject function, TypeName function, Variant data type, VarType function.


This example uses the IsError function to check if a numeric expression is an error value. The CVErr function is used to return an Error Variant from a user-defined function. Assume UserFunction is a user-defined function procedure that returns an error value; for example, a return value assigned with the statement UserFunction = CVErr(32767), where 32767 is a user-defined number.

Dim ReturnVal, MyCheck
ReturnVal = UserFunction()
MyCheck = IsError(ReturnVal)            ' Returns True.

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